Do you have a bags and accessories shop? Having a JNH bag in your catalog is an added value: it means being the only ones to sell it. Yes why each JNH bag is unique. You will boast a special product , to be proudly displayed in your showcase.
Whether you have a physical store or an online shop of high quality branded bags and accessories, as well as clothing, JNH is the brand that cannot be missing in your assortment. We offer all our expertise to define the best way to create one winning partnership. Introducing JNH into your business proposal is a choice that will make your offer valuable. Each eco-leather bag is made with non-replicable materials and crochet bags are real works of art, totally handmade thanks to the network of South Tyrolean artisans created by JNH. The micro imperfections typical of a quality handicraft product are the testimony of theirs uniqueness , therefore exclusivity .
Telling the path of creation and the story of each JNH product is certainly a way that will win over your most attentive customers, fascinating them with a unique story.
In fact, JNH’s business model overcomes the current widespread trend of accessories stores, of the sale in stock of compliant and without personality bags. With JNH we want to stimulate the direct relationship with the shop, starting from the possibility of constant comparison and without intermediaries with our artisans and product designers. Our current catalog of handcrafted bags it is always in continuous expansion, as well as the certified raw materials used, are the guarantee of a clear and above all achievable work “ad hoc” for the customer. The customer has the opportunity to evaluate his needs with JNH, discuss and study the best proposal, creating it “tailor-made”, in a relationship of complete collaboration. We firmly believe this is the way to confirm the importance of Italian artisan tradition , or rather of creativity and manual skills, on which the most sought-after professionalism and style trends of the coming years are based.
By becoming a JNH partner , we will have the common goal of satisfying a conscious, cultured and demanding final public, that is a target of lovers of true luxury, that is, luxury that goes beyond appearances and ostentatious branding, but passes through real values such as quality. , uniqueness and duration over time.
Together with JNH you will be able to overcome the concept of seasonality and make every product timeless , in your showcase for every season.
Nowadays an increasing number of consumers are consciously looking for unique pieces or products which, after a short marketing period, will no longer be available. This reveals the will to possess objects in an exclusive way, only. Think of the capsule collections or the cruise and resort collections, special collection proposals released by the most influential fashion brands to meet the needs of the most prestigious off-season customers. The current trend of brands is to create unique products that once no longer on the market, become iconic , and never go out of fashion.
With the JNH proposals we want to exactly overcome the widespread models of mass production that saturate the market, and instead we want to incentivize the value of differentiation. Today, in fact, not only the most informed and demanding consumers are looking for products carrying identity meanings and values capable of expressing uniqueness: it is the fashion world that anticipates a trend that will affect more and more areas of the market, involving a greater number of aware buyers.
Choose the uniqueness of JNH bags and accessories for your bag shop, even online.
With our eco-leather and crochet bags, we are available to define the best collaboration. We are also available to carry out tailor-made your collection, meeting your every particular need and taste, overcoming seasonal fashions, but always respecting the highest quality standards of the characteristic Italian manufacturing production.
We will follow you in every phase of product realization , from its conception, or in choosing the right products for your shop, among those already in the collection.